Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
“Femme aux Bras Croisés”
(illustrated; dated 1902[?]).
M. M. Gedo, “A Youthful Genius Confronts his Destiny: Picasso’s Old Guitarist in The Art Institute
Of Chicago”, The Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies, vol. 12 (no. 2), 1986, p. 154 (illustrated, fig. 2).
A. Podoksin, Picasso: The Artist’s works in Soviet Museums, New York and Leningrad, 1989, p.
28 (illustrated).
Cologne, Der Rheinische Kunstsalon, Pablo Picasso, 1913 (dated1903). Zurich, Kunsthaus, Picasso, June-November 1932, no.10 (dated1901).
New York, Jacques Seligman & Co., Inc., Picasso, Blue and Rose Periods 1901-1906, November
1936, p. 15, no.9 (illustrated; illustrated again on the frontispiece; titled Elégie; dated 1901). New York, The Museum o fModern Artand The Art Institute of Chicago, Picasso: Forty Year sof
His Art, November 1939 – January 1940, p.31, no.16 (illustrated, p.30; dated Paris,1901) Chicago, The Arts Club, Twentieth Century Art Loaned by Member softhe Arts Club of Chicago,
October 1954, no.34.
The Art Institute of Chicago, Picasso in Chicago, February – March1968, no.6 (illustrated, p.14).